DONG Ma-li1,2, CHEN Tian1, WANG Li-yan3 |
1. Institue of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;
2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
3. Environment and Natural Resources College, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050016, China |
Abstract Urban renewal polices in western cities can be generally divided into four generations:the era of bulldozer after WWⅡ, the neighborhood rehabilitation during 1960s-1970sh, the revitalization of city center from late 1970s to early 1990s, and the integrative regeneration of neighborhood after the 21st century. The characteristics of renewal policy in each generation are quite different. Each renewal generation has its unique social and economic background, different major participants, different target-oriented renewal methods and different regeneration effects. Therefore, this paper systematically analyzes the development courses of urban renewal in western cities, and concludes the characteristics of urban renewal policies during the four generations. Firstly, the renewal theory in western cities is turning from physical plan to humanism plan. Secondly, the policy ideology of urban regeneration is developing and reaching maturity in an issue-oriented approach. Thirdly, the cooperation mode of urban renewal in western cities is changing from government oriented pattern to multiple cooperation way, and the intense partnership of the government, private entrepreneurs and neighborhood residents is obviously the future trend of urban regeneration. What's more, based on the comprehensive understanding of policy renovation in western cities, it's inspiration to urban renewal in China is concluded in the end. Firstly, the nature of urban renewal should be re-understood and re-recognized. Secondly, the ultimate object of urban renewal is the people in the neighborhood, but not the neighborhood place itself; and the final target of urban renewal is the improving of habitat environment. Thirdly, urban renewal is more complex than initial construction of urban place. The role of city planners in the field of urban renewal in China is also discussed in the end.
Received: 01 July 2008